Clients sign up for meal deliveries based on their location.Please select one of the 3 options below for more information:
Please note: There are no Meals on Wheels deliveries on Monday, September 30 (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation).
We strongly recommend that clients have additional food available in their homes (frozen, canned or non-perishable) in the event of service disruptions.
Western MOW clients can order frozen meals which can be added to any regular delivery.
Western MOW clients can order frozen meals which can be added to any regular delivery.
Western Meals on Wheels |
Chinese Meals on Wheels |
North Shore Meals on Wheels |
Hot Meals $9.75 Frozen Meals $7.95 Frozen Breakfasts $7.95 Sandwich & Fruit $6.50 |
Hot Meals $9.95 |
Hot Meals $9.75 Frozen Meals $7.95 Frozen Breakfasts $7.95 Sandwich & Fruit $6.50 |